Hamlet’s back! His boat got delayed or something and he’s back. Yay! Can’t wait to hug my boy.
Hey babe Queen Gertrude, get ready for Ophelia’s funeral. We kinda HAVE TO be there since your son Prince Hamlet kinda made the poor girl go nuts...
Cannot wait to see my best friend, Horatio.
My boy is back!!!! Thank God for Hamlet’s return. #blessed #joy Havin a convo in the cemetery...
Hey gravedigging clowns, don’t use my own wordplay on me #notfunny
My man Hamlet is playing with skulls.... Maybe he is crazy??
Oh poor Yorick, how I miss the jokes and laughs you brought into my life.
Death makes people equal #preach
What really is the difference in life when we're all just dirt in the end? #AlexandertheGreatasamudwall
Here comes Ophelia’s casket... uh oh...
Shoutout to the two gravediggers who are giving me a proper burial!! #muchlove #ideserveit
Despite my disliking for Ophelia, it would pain me to see her not get a proper burial..
I'm also really happy I got a proper funeral! Queen Gertrude always looking out for me #nohellforme !!!
Miss you sis
So heartbreaking to see this from heaven.
OMG! Queen Gertrude actually wanted me to marry Hamlet?? Why couldn’t she have mentioned this earlier?!
Watching a funeral from the bushes is not how I planned on spending my Saturday afternoon. #RIPOphelia
My heart’s broken from losing #Ophelia
Tore my heart to see Ham’s reaction towards Ophelia’s death. They were the #perfectcouple despite having their differences #RIPOphelia
Bae #1 just died...I'm so weak with my life right now
So sweet how Hamlet declared his love for me but at my funeral
Heard Laertes is home. Hope he’s not mad about me killing his dad or anything.
Hello! My name is Laertes! You killed my father! Prepare to die!!! #revengeiscoming
This man, responsible for my sister’s death, is heart broken?
He drove her into madness.
I shall seek revenge!
I will avenge you!! Oh my dear sister! If it is the last thing I do!!
Ay yo, don’t try to blame Ophelia’s death on me #notguilty
Hamlet, hey man, you need to check yourself. I loved my sister more than anything. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
Even when I thought Hamlet might not be crazy anymore, he starts fighting with my brother on my grave!!! #crazyhammy
How do you go from witnessing a graverobbing to holding back your friend from a fight? Go to the graveyard.
My dear son, yet again, is making himself look like a fool at this funeral..
Of course Hamlet has to make Ophelia’s funeral about him... So selfish #fool
I love when Hamlet says he would eat a crocodile for me #atrueman #myhero #dreamcometrue
Hamlet and Laertes fighting over who cared about me more #neverthoughtthiswouldhappen
To be #teamhamlet or to be #teamlaertes? That is the question.
Hoping Hamlet won’t kill Laertes next...
Just when you think you got rid of Polonius’ flowery tongue Osric shows up #hatgameweak
Waiting for the duel to start... something seems off here. But maybe it’s just my imagination #setup?
Claudius just bet on me in a duel with Laertes... It’s both touching and oddly suspicious #heregoesnothing
Who’s the best swordsman ever? Oh, that’s right, me #comeatmebro #icantpossiblylose
Duelling with Laertes because #YOLO
About to win a fight.
My son Laertes is like Luke Skywalker w that fencing game #LastJedi
I will win!!!!!
Watching these two fools fight it out
Get the feeling I'm not going to be alone in the afterlife long
Let’s go, Laertes!
I must say I'm quite impressed with Hamlet’s fencing skills.
This fight is good! Go Hamlet.
Laertes with the #cheapshot I'm not surprised.
Just cut Hamlet with poison sword lol
Boss mode swordsman. Take that #Laertes.
Hamlet just stabbed Laertes #SQUAD
Dang it, he just cut me with poison sword
#backfired #dead
Still wondering how I managed to let Hamlet have my sword #oops #nowimdead
Note to self: don’t hand your murder victim your murder weapon #liveandlearn
I wonder if there is any wine #todrinkornottodrink
I never turn down wine.
Gertrude needs to suck it up! Just watch the dual and be quiet.
I really don’t understand why I can’t just have a drink... #confused
That drink they're saving for Hamlet looks too good to resist – I think I'll steal a sip before he has some, after he wins this match.
Drinkin for Hamlet #turnup
That wine was somethin special #Cheers
Mmm... poison is my favorite flavor #not
Oh crap...
Oh man what’s wrong with the queen???
OMG, my wife just drank the poison...
You really should have listened to your husband, Queen Gertrude.
Oh dear my Claudius what have you done?!? Was it all only for the #crown?
I am sorry, my dear mother. Mainly, for assuming that you were drunk instead of dead.
The king is to blame!
Hamlet and I were cool in the end #moveon
Well that escalated quickly... Not the plan we discussed, Laertes.
See I told ya it was Claudius #tolduso
And Hamlet just killed the king! #KingHamlet
Horatio, I just killed the king, but I'm dying
Dare I say you all deserve your fates? #tweetsfrombeyondthegrave
Dang boy, the whole squad is dead.
I told Hamlet I should've made up an excuse or something to spare him from the duel... Four deaths later and again #horatioknowsbest
We are dropping like flies!!
See Hamlet if u just killed Claudius up front then none of dis woulda happened.
Just watched my best friend die in my arms
Hamlet bro, I'm coming too!
Poisoned and dying admiring Horatio’s resistance to death’s temptations in order to tell my story #thanksbrother #seeyousoonLaertes #theend
Shoutout to Horatio for being the only important guy to survive that whole fiasco in Elsinore, shame that everyone died #gotrevenge #worthit
Maybe Hamlet and I will have better luck with our relationship in heaven #reunited #hopeful
Oh, one more thing. Fortinbras, you will be king
A round of applause for the real winner, Fortinbras.
My wife and my boy dead. This ain’t how I wanted it. And worse my kingdom for Fortinbras? I'm done.
Fortinbras is king?! Back in my day to become king you had to poison people/pretend to be crazy not just sit down on the throne #goodoledays
Back to Wittenberg to continue my studies while #KingFortinbras rules Denmark. Need some time for myself...
I did write a sequel to Hamlet: "Horatio the Avenger". How have you not heard of it?
#Hamlet retold in students' funny tweets #elsinoreprobs