Everyone thinks I'm crazy, little do they know! #jokesonthem #fake #haters
Oh, Queenie pls. So you think I'm the cause of Hamlet acting crazy? AND you want me to help?
I take walks around the castle to think to myself, not so people can ask me questions
What's the question? #tobeornottobe
You're so #bipolar, Hamlet
"To be or not to be" - the ramblings of a madman #Hamlet
All these high schoolers reciting my speech like they understand what I'm going through.
Ok. Hamlet might be crazy. But that boy nice with the words... #MadnessTalent
Being dead will be just like sleep, except I may have bad dreams. I would escape a lot, but maybe I should deal with my problems.
Stop tryna look all religious with ya prayer book, Ophelia. #iknowyou
So happy to give all of Hamlet's stuff back to him #junk #nothankyou!
Ophelia trying to look all innocent with that prayer book but we all know she bad my boy sensed that deceit like rot on trash.
He is saying he loved me. Yeah right.
Ophelia is playing games
Hamlet's gone crazy. I can't deal with him anymore #smh
Polonius and Claudius thought they could spy on my boy Big H. But he know they there the whole time #playedyoself
That's it, the bae completely lost it. Said he didn't even love me! Pushing me around like that...who do you think you are!?
Ophelia has managed to piss me off once again #weredone
Hamlet keeps telling me to go to a nunnery
Hamlet needs to leave me alone. I don't want you near me or looking at me. Just go.
All y'all thought my boy crazy. But he just shooting fire as hot as the flames I sit in #hellfire #purgatory
Maybe I was too harsh on Ophelia today, telling her to go to a nunnery... #lolnope #noragrets
Beauty isn't everything!
#OpheliaTaughtMe #SheIsNotThatBeautiful #PleaseWearMakeup #BeautyComesFromTheInside
Bye, Hamlet Call me when you stop being crazy!
Hamlet: "What ho, Horatio!"
Me: Drops everything for my boy.
Hamlet, I'm not snitch my dude, hit me with the details about the ghost.
Hammy invited me and Claudy to see his play he's been working so hard on, I'm so excited to see it
Ohhhhhh I hear a play is being put together. I think I might make an appearance or maybe just watch?
Ham over here trying to be #smooth... what are you getting at, after acting so insane?
Hamlet being a little frisky at the play today... #Ithoughtwebrokeup ???
As a mother I do not wish to hear Hamlet's crude sense of humor #keepittoyourself
Yo son I know Ophelia got some problems. But seriously watch the profanity #overkill
Anyone wanna switch seats with me????
Should I let Hamlet lay on my lap?
Funny how guys think they can just come to us when it's convenient for them #notfallingforit #yesimsubtweetingyouhamlet
Hammy definitely sending mixed signals at the play #helovesme #helovesmenot
What is this play?!?
This play is getting me nervous.
This party is getting more awkward by the second...
That play was too ironic
Got the feeling something is gonna go down at this play...but these are the best actors ever! #hyped
Mousetrap seems a lot like a #subtweet
Hamlet caused quite a big scene... what a drama king #smh
Uncle seems a little shook by the play... wonder why.
So much went down at the play today... #overwhelmed
Hamlet's definitely not going to win any awards for his play, but Claudius might win an award for his reaction! #sodramatic
Sorry for being rude and storming out of the play, I just feel ill that's all.
My bro Claudius just ran out the theater. I think we know who the murderer is now.
Round of applause for that fabulous play #igothim #hisface
Yup, it's time to "send" Hamlet away.
Yo Hamlet boy, they gonna try to send u off to England. Get to the killin boy. #usolazy
Why is Hamlet so cray?
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, I found a picture of y'all
Hamlet called me a #sponge... What does that mean? Nothing he says ever makes sense.
My boy Hamlet tellin fools to back down when they think they can play him but they can't even play a fiddle.
When your bro calls you out for playing him and lying #oops #ragrets #justobeyingtheking #notbffgoals #getthatrecorderoutmyfacebro
So my bro actually feels a little guilty bout killing me... Hmm still not enough Claudius needs to go
Yup, not willing to give back all I took.
Had the perfect opportunity to kill Claudius but the moment didn't feel right #ohwell
My boy Hamlet Jnr such a fool sometimes. The boy can't even tell when a man praying and when he ain't even though he had the perfect chance to kill.
At least I'm decent enough not to kill ppl while they pray #morals
You better not let me down, Polonius. I have to find out what that rat is saying! #dyingtoknow
I see that Polonius likes to play hide and seek.
I hope Hamlet won't do anything stupid tonight. I'll check in with him tomorrow.
Trying to talk some sense into my mother ...
What did I do to deserve this?!?
Picking up the pieces of my heart after Hamlet says: "And - would it were not so! - you are my mother" #crushed
"A murderer and a villain"... guess I like bad boys #whodidImarry
My mother is totally clueless #incest #gross
But I love when King Claudius gives me "reechy kisses" and calls me "his mouse". #yesorno #confusion #onlyawoman
Why must Hamlet keep bringing up my past?!? I just want to be done with his father completely
Um, who is Hamlet talking to?
#thereisnothingthere #loonytune
Uh-oh Hamlet goin a little to hard on the wife I better go tell em to ease up speaking of which he needs to get to killin Claudius.
Now my son is talking to the air, when will this all end?
Does anybody else out there have a soul that kinda looks like this? Asking for a friend...
That awkward moment when you stab Polonius because you thought he was a rat.
#oops #mayneedglasses
I love how my son is dragging a dead body so calmly
Hey man sorry I had to kill you... Maybe you shouldn't have been #creeping on every conversation I had
Ok Ham Junior, why u kill Polonius? I did say #Claudius right?
S#;t I thought that was Claudius. Sorry old man i still love your daughter btw.
This is just great! Now I have murder on my head. #mybad #Itisnotmadness #awkkiss #Mypurpose #Rememberingyou
King Claudius, I would have had great information for you. Unfortunately, there were some complications #Idied
Mothers have no love for these kids these days Gertrude #snitching on my boy.
#Hamlet has gone mad and killed Polonius! We need to get him!!
Dude, just tell us where Polonius is... was.
Everyone keeps asking me where I hid the body... what body?
My boy pretty witty tellin em Polonius gettin eatin while he's at dinner #rat4dinner
Polonius is killed by Hamlet? I still trust you Hammy. Why was Polonius in queen's room? #SoStrange #YoureStillMybff
Really. bro. First you kill me now u sendin my boy to England #notcool
Lol, bye bye, Hamlet Have fun in England loser.
So, Hamlet just killed Polonius. Well, I guess he went too far. #Goodbyefriend.
At least Hamlet's leaving to England, I won't have to deal with his drama anymore. #timetomoveon #single #ready2mingle
Benefit of Hamlet going crazy: vaca to England #getreadyLondon #BROadTrip #jktakingaship
Motivation? willpower?
constant violent thoughts?
Free trip to England! Heck yeah!
Off to England my young Ham. Go best of luck killin those fools Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
I feel responsible for Hamlet's madness. I can't help but feel like it's my fault. #guiltridden
Gertrude, stop this nonsense. Just come to bed
Anyone else not buying this whole Young Fortinbras of Norway only attacking Poland thing? #sketchy
#Hamlet retold in students' funny tweets #elsinoreprobs