Prince of Denmark Comes Home For a Funeral - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
Just heard that a close friend's father has passed. Sad af. Prayers to Hamlet and fam - one of my best buds from college days. #Wittenberg
I can't believe this...#RIPDad
My bro King Hamlet was bit by a "snake" while he slept. Now I am King. You snooze you lose.
Maybe King Hamlet's widow Queen Gertrude can marry my dad Polonius next.
My milkshake brings all the kings to the yard #lusty
Claud rhymes with God #coincidence I think not #MrStealYourGirl
Haters gonna hate... at the end of the day this is still MY castle, peasants.
Innocent until proven guilty #ProveIt
Out with the old and in with the new Copped me a new #bae
Really wishin my bro was still here... #Justkidding
OMG! Claudius just proposed to me! #stillgotit
RIP King Hamlet. I'll take good care of your wife #dontworry
Claudius, love you too I'm so glad your brother died. #ThankGoooood
I can't find my heels for this wedding. I wonder what her ring looks like?
I'm in love with Claudius and nothing can change that
Real #salty that my brother killed me and took my girl.
I can't wait for #Hamlet to return, but I don't know how he will react to the news about his mother...
Got my new outfit for the weekend, gonna look fresh.
Crazy how things can change in a mom is already getting married ONE MONTH AFTER MY OWN DAD DIED #WTF??
What do you guys think? Is it okay to rewear my funeral shoes to the wedding? #fashionfauxpasornah
Busy weekend: funeral and a wedding #ElsinoreProbs
Prince Hamlet, you have to move past your dad's death. You're gonna be king one day and you don't need that weighing you down.
Just wifed my dead bro's girl
Just married my dead husband's brother #YOLO
Ayyy just got hitched with my hubby Claudius! Happy wife happy life #justqueenthings
Wedding take 2 #sorrynotsorry
Did anyone else notice that the food at my pop's funeral was the same as my mom's new wedding?
Wifey and I enjoying the party
Awesome rager yesternight with my sweetheart Claudius, it's good to be queen! #wherewashamlet #danishthings
If you're having a bad day, just remember that your mother didn't marry your uncle.
Me and Bae "killin" it at this party #lolol
Married to Gertrude #finally
Why have a brother when you can have his wife?
Gotta love Denmark! Either drunk, mad, or both!
It's good to be king.
Funeral leftovers didn't taste as good at the wedding... must be my unmanly mourning #RIPdad #forgivemeforgrieving
Just smile and wave, boys, smile and wave....
#royalresponsibilities #etiquette #partymanners
How does one learn to forget so easily..?
They ought to invent a word that means both mother and aunt bc idk what to call Queen Gertrude anymore #familialconfusion
Hope Hamlet can learn to call his uncle Daddy #2ndmarriageprobs
Hey bro, I hope you're enjoying hell as much as I'm enjoying your wife #mrstealyourgirl #savage
My father has to be turning over in his grave.
Saw some guards hanging around they looked lame so I didn't say anything.
I'm scared to go out... at night
Heard of the wedding Queen Gertrude and Claudius. I'm planning a big celebration for you #WeddingGifts
Fortinbras of Norway, my dad can beat up your dad.
The guards Barnardo and Francisco have been bugging me about some ghost they saw around Elsinore Castle. I'm going to check it out with them tonight.
Heard those guards liked my armor.
#stylish #stillreadyforanything
Horatio, you went to college, didn't they teach you ghost language there?
Just saw Hamlet's father
This castle is starting to look like an episode of scooby doo #blackknightghost
I have to tell Hamlet about his father's ghost.
Mom & Uncle want to know why I "seem" annoyed. Seems? I know not "seems".
#Hamlet needs to get over his daddy and be a man.
Everyone has that one creepy uncle #Claudius
Who's your daddy now, Prince Hamlet? #denmarkismine
When your mom asks you to stop wearing black because she doesn't realize that it is a reflection of your soul. #emoproblems
My son needs to shut up
My mom is a heartless woman #ontothenextone
#SOS to all the Twitter moms out there! Hamlet is sulking around and wearing all black!
#whatdoido #help #raisingteenageboys
They just left. Too bad God made suicide a sin. Otherwise I'd throw myself off this high and most retrograde parapet.
Incestuous sheets are 50% off at IKEA today!! #iwouldknow
Virtuous, obedient, and loyal - thy name is NOT woman #getagripGertrude
Currently trending at Elsinore. (sighs)
The saying 'brothers before dames' is so not applicable to my family #cheapproverbs
It's all gonna be alright, I'm here for you in these hard times
I've given up on everyone, nobody is on my side.
Had a bowl of Wittenberg Wunderkind after bkfst. Was just clearing out the smoke when Horatio, Francisco and Barnardo came to give me news.
Horatio, there's no such thing as ghosts #stoopid
Outside the castle with Horatio and Marcellus.
My squad wasn't lying! I just saw the ghost myself!
Trying to convince Hamlet not to follow the ghost...
Horatio is telling me to not follow ghost. Ima follow. #Fate
No one can hold me back from following my fate tonight #talktomedad
I am your father #starwars
P.O.P...was that you?!?
I SEE MY DAD! I miss you man
Hamlet 2016: Make Denmark Great Again.
I knew my uncle was a terrible man!! #backstabber
I will avenge my dad!! You'll see!!!
I know I'm not crazy. I just seen my father King Hamlet last night. He was right here.
I think that I made a mistake taking Hamlet to see the ghost of his father he said he's going to act crazy.
VENGEANCE !!! Good lord, I'm going crazy
My dude Hamlet has no chill when it comes to his dad... #smh
I am ready to do as my father has asked of me, and murder my uncle (but spare my mother).
...Just not right this moment. First, I need to think this through...
Feeling conflicted... as always.
Hey Claudius, my boy Hamlet Jnr got to know a little bout you. You should be seeing more of him.
OMG going to France. Leaving this dump of Denmark.
Just go back to France. Laertes. See if I care #asskissingfreak #shutupandleave
Such a pain finding good mercenaries. So many applications. Maybe should have put the ads in better locations. Ugh.
My first title for Hamlet was "Dead Man Talking."
#Hamlet retold in students' funny tweets #elsinoreprobs